Citizen Journalists
Serving Their Cities

Stay Up-to-Date With the Latest News and Events in Your City Through Our Diverse and Community-Driven Platform

One-Stop Shop for Citizen Journalists to Write Stories

One-Stop Shop for Citizen Journalists  to Write Stories

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead.


Local journalism is more important than ever, but many communities are underserved. That's where Local News To Use comes in. Our goal is to create a one-stop shop for citizen journalists to write stories for their communities that traditional media companies can't afford to cover. Too many stories go untold, and this lack of coverage allows local governments to operate unchecked. We believe that everyone deserves access to quality news and information, regardless of the size of their community. Join us in our mission to ensure that no story goes untold.

By offering your services as a journalist, you can help us bring our cutting-edge news platform to communities across the United States. Register now to be the Preferred Journalist to your city.

There will be no hate speech, antisemitism, racist comments, etc. Allowed. 

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